Quit smoking
Smoking is the biggest preventable risk factor for cancer. Experts estimate that smoking is the cause of 25 to 30 percent of cancer deaths. It is not just about lung cancer, it also showed links between smoking and laryngeal, pancreatic, esophageal and bladder cancer. The risk of developing cancer increases with the number of cigarettes and the length of time that is already being smoked. Several dozen carcinogenic substances have been detected in cigarettes, along with nicotine, nitrosamines, benzene, formaldehyde, arsenic, nickel, cadmium and even radioactive molecules.
Reduce obesity
Not only the right food is important, but also the appropriate amount. Those who permanently consume more energy than they consume use fat. It has been scientifically proven that a body mass index (BMI) of 23 increases the risk of colon cancer. In women overweight after menopause can also lead to increased breast cancer. The most common overweight-prone cancers are also uterine, renal and esophageal cancers.
Avoid alcohol
Too much alcohol can harm almost any organ. It only counts the amount, but not the type of alcohol. Even beer and wine can - drunk in excess - increase the risk of cancer. After all, three percent of cancers are related to alcohol. The cause of the cancer is the acetaldehyde contained in it. Since alcohol is distributed throughout the body, it can damage all organs. Those who drink alcohol regularly increase their risk of breast, intestinal, laryngeal, liver, stomach, mouth and throat as well as esophageal and ovarian cancer.
According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) are for men at most 20 grams of alcohol a day tolerated by health, for women a maximum of 10 grams. 20 grams are just under half a liter of beer or a glass of wine.
Especially in connection with tobacco consumption, alcohol is considered a risk factor.
Protect yourself from solar radiation
Intense sunshine carries the greatest risk of skin cancer. The German Cancer Aid advises not to expose children to direct sunlight until the end of their first year of life. In the sun you should always wear sun-tight clothes and a headgear. Basically, the blazing midday sun between 11 and 15 o'clock should be avoided. It is indispensable to cream unprotected parts of the body with a sunscreen starting from SPF 20. "But beware: sunscreens do not protect against skin cancer," emphasizes the cancer aid. Incidentally, the artificial UV radiation in the solarium also damages the skin.
Move a lot
Sport not only protects against overweight and the consequences, but also directly reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors. Those who move regularly have a lower risk of developing colon cancer, breast cancer and uterine cancer. At least three times a week you should be active for half an hour.
Protect liver with hepatitis vaccine
In Europe, about ten percent of all cancers are due to chronic infections with viruses, bacteria, or parasites. This mainly affects cervix cancer, liver cell cancer and gastric cancer. Hepatocellular carcinoma often develops as a result of infection with hepatitis B or C. Especially in children who become infected with hepatitis, the risk increases later, to develop liver cancer. Therefore, the recommendation is to have children vaccinated against hepatitis B. This also makes sense for adults whose relatives are suffering from hepatitis B, who often have changing sexual partners and who work in medical professions.
Reduce cancer risks in the workplace
About four to eight percent of all cancers are due to harmful substances or radiation in the workplace. In order to optimally protect against such dangers, the regulations on the handling of such hazardous substances should be strictly observed and the recommendations of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection should be observed. A classification of hazardous substances and protective measures is contained in the German Hazardous Substances Ordinance.
Know hereditary risk
Ask specific questions about cancer in your family. The predisposition to pathological cell growth is hereditary. Those who know about their risk can be aware of possible changes in good time. Especially affected organs are eyes, intestines, breasts, ovaries and thyroid. In five percent of all cases, experts say, there are genetic factors.
Regular cancer screening
The sooner a cancer is detected, the better the chances of recovery. Use the statutory cancer screening program. These examinations are paid to the statutory health insurance companies:
- Skin cancer: Statutory insured persons over the age of 35 are entitled to a screening of the entire body surface every two years
- Colon cancer: from the 50th Age once a year test for hidden (occult) blood in the stool. From the age of 55 a colonoscopy (colonoscopy), one-time repetition after ten or more years or instead of the colonoscopy from 55 test for occult blood every two years.
- Cervical cancer: from 20 once a year examination of the genitals and smear examination of cervix and cervix.
- Breast cancer: from 30 once a year palpation of the breasts and armpits, instructions for breast self-examination; from 50 up to and including 69 biennial invitations to mammography.
- Prostate cancer: From age 45, once a year, scan the prostate from the rectum, examine the external genitalia and scan the lymph nodes in the groin.
In the case of a hereditary pre-exposure, early detection examinations can also be carried out at other times.
Healthy food/Nutrition
30 to 40 percent of all tumors go back to a wrong diet. According to new studies, the impact of fruits and vegetables is overestimated. It could not be proven that vegetables can prevent cancer. But you should not give up fruits and vegetables because it contains important nutrients for the body. Experts advise eating five servings of fruits and vegetables daily and eating less meat, sausage and fatty dairy products.
Other sources
European Code against Cancer: http://www.europeancancerleagues.org/european-code-against-cancer.html
Arnold, M. et al .: Global burden of cancer attributable to high body mass index in 2012: a population-based study. The Lancet Oncology, online pre-release on November 26, 2014, doi: 10.1016 / S1470-2045 (14) 71123-4
Baldur-Felskov, B. et al.: Incidence of cervical lesions in Danish women before and after implementation of a national HPV vaccination program. Cancer Causes and Control 2014, 25 (7): 915-922
Beuth, J .: Cancer prevention through lifestyle - what is guaranteed? best practice oncology 2013, 5 (8): 6-13
Chilian-Herrera, O.L. et al .: Passive smoking increases the risk of breast cancer among pre- and post-menopausal Mexican women. Presentation at the 3rd "The Science of Cancer Health Disparities" Conference of the American Association for Cancer Research 2010, Abstract A99
Drings, P .: Smoking and Cancer. In: The Oncologist 10 (2), (2004), pp. 156-165
Keum, N. et al .: Visceral Adiposity and Colorectal Adenomas: Dose Response Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Annals of Oncology, online pre-release on December 5, 2014, doi: 10.1093 / annonc / mdu563
Schmitz, K.H. et al .: American College of Sports Medicine Roundtable on Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Survivors. In: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 42 (7), (2010), pp. 1409-1426
Other sources
European Code against Cancer: http://www.europeancancerleagues.org/european-code-against-cancer.html
Arnold, M. et al .: Global burden of cancer attributable to high body mass index in 2012: a population-based study. The Lancet Oncology, online pre-release on November 26, 2014, doi: 10.1016 / S1470-2045 (14) 71123-4
Baldur-Felskov, B. et al.: Incidence of cervical lesions in Danish women before and after implementation of a national HPV vaccination program. Cancer Causes and Control 2014, 25 (7): 915-922
Beuth, J .: Cancer prevention through lifestyle - what is guaranteed? best practice oncology 2013, 5 (8): 6-13
Chilian-Herrera, O.L. et al .: Passive smoking increases the risk of breast cancer among pre- and post-menopausal Mexican women. Presentation at the 3rd "The Science of Cancer Health Disparities" Conference of the American Association for Cancer Research 2010, Abstract A99
Drings, P .: Smoking and Cancer. In: The Oncologist 10 (2), (2004), pp. 156-165
Keum, N. et al .: Visceral Adiposity and Colorectal Adenomas: Dose Response Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Annals of Oncology, online pre-release on December 5, 2014, doi: 10.1093 / annonc / mdu563
Schmitz, K.H. et al .: American College of Sports Medicine Roundtable on Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Survivors. In: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 42 (7), (2010), pp. 1409-1426